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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby Дарина » 08 Jul 2010, 01:44

О, господи, это нога Джонни Вейра :sh_ок: Мда, очень гламурный господин!
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby Irisha2010 » 12 Jul 2010, 22:36

Gal4onok,извини, что втянула в разговор не совсем по теме,и спасибо за хорошее видео и просвящение про хореографов Жени.
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby cekoni » 29 Jul 2010, 07:37

Interesting parts from Brian Joubert interview :mi_ga_et:

http://www.absoluteskating.com/intervie ... ubert.html
By Titanilla Bőd

Brian Joubert: “The skaters have to improve, but the judging system has to improve, too


How do you feel about first and second place at the Olympics? There was a big debate about the quad jump.
- I didn’t watch the competition. When I finished my program, I just wanted to go back to the hotel, so I can’t say anything about it.

Haven’t you watched the programs on youtube?
- No, I don’t want to. I haven’t watched my Olympic program in 2006, nor in 2010 and I don’t want to watch Evan Lysacek, the Olympic champion, without a quad. I still don’t understand it. He is a very good skater, but I’m a little bit disappointed about somebody winning without a quad.

What do you think about the “e-mail scandal” before the Olympics, when an American judge, Joe Inman, sent messages to his colleagues to watch out for your and Plushenko’s transitions?
- I didn’t care about it; it’s part of the game. This guy maybe talks like that in e-mail, but I think he wouldn’t talk like that in front of me or in front of Plushenko. I think it’s better to speak your opinion in front of the people and not through e-mail. Evgeni and I see figure skating with the quad and people have to understand us, but we also have to understand the other skaters, who think transitions and the choreography are more important. Different styles make the figure skating more interesting. If everyone was doing the same thing, it would be very boring. I will continue with the quad, even under this judging system.

Do you think that the ISU is going to change the points for the quad?
- I hope so—just to see more quads in competition. The audience likes to see a quad; they recognize it. If they don’t change the rules, there will be very few quads. I remember in 2002 when I attended my first Worlds in Nagano, Min Zhang finished around 15th, but he did three quads in the free program! Everybody did quads in the short program. The competition was more interesting. Maybe it was too focused on the jumps and not on the transitions – no problem, we can improve—but I think it’s boring to only see a triple-triple in the short program.

Is it much easier for the skater if they do just a triple-triple in the short program instead of a quad-triple?
- Oh, yes. I tried it in practice. I ran through my short program with only a triple-triple. It’s totally different. When you start the program, you are relaxed. If you want to put a transition before the jumping pass, you can do it; it’s easy. You can be faster, on the music, everything is perfect. Everything gets changed when you include the quad jump. Evan Lysacek tried it and it wasn’t the same. You use a lot of energy mentally for the quad and you can’t put transitions before a quad. What I don’t like in the short program is that if you try a quad, you have to have a triple as a second jump in the combination. If you do just a double, the risk is the same but the points are much lower. The skaters have to improve, but I think that the judging system has to improve, too.

Do you limit the number of the quads you practice per day?
- No—it depends. If I feel very tired, I can tell my coach: “I will do only one, but it has to be perfect,” but sometimes I can do twenty quads during practice.


Whole interview here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=18&p=34335#p34335 :-):
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby cekoni » 07 Aug 2010, 06:14

http://twitter.com/JohnnyGWeir :hi_hi_hi:

Found out that I'm going to be performing live with @BilanOfficial at the shows in Japan in September. I am so excited!

about 2 hours ago via web
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby cekoni » 07 Aug 2010, 07:54

Interesting news from HXM :plush45: about Marton :mi_ga_et:

I have big news tonight. The newest and also oldest, which I have not translated in April. The most interesting information is, that Edvin is already married almost a year with Adrienn. They have told it in one hungarian TV. She was already 7 and an a half months pregnant. Everything was prepared in secret in a three days. It was small wedding with a family in Budapest. There was also one small problem with a little sweet figures for wedding cake. Because everywhere, they had only bride brunette and blonde fiancé. Luckily this small problem was quickly solved. Edvin has bring from Chille a guitarist, who have played them all favourite songs.
Other articles are writing about Edvins accident, which was happened during his holiday in Croatia. He has slide down on airbed (or how it translate??) and fell of to chasm. He survived luckily the fall from two metres because of pine trees...
Another article is writing that he si going to Cyprus with Adrienn. But without son, which will be with grandparents....

photos from wedding:
http://edvinmarton.mysteria.cz/Eng/Gall ... edding.htm


http://edvinmarton.mysteria.cz/2.Media/ ... ory-hu.htm
Edvin and Adrienn talking about their private wedding - 23.7.2010
Edvin and Adrienn with their son - 21.7.2010
Edvin with his son Maxim - 6.5.2010



.. and big scan from Anita http://sgforum.hu/listazas.php3?azonosi ... 1098097686
http://kepfeltoltes.hu/100806/ScannedIm ... es.hu_.jpg
http://kepfeltoltes.hu/100806/ScannedIm ... es.hu_.jpg
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby simona » 07 Aug 2010, 12:39

I'm dreaming of going 2 Japan...


Th@nx 4 'twitterupdating!'
Simona Barbara


Image Image Image Image Image Image

H@ppy marriage to you both!!
So cute little babyboy Maxim!


I'm sorry 2 hear about Edvin's fall!
Let's hope for a speedy recovery!!

Th@nx for sharing HXM & Cekoni!
Simona Barbara


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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby cekoni » 15 Aug 2010, 01:07

5:23 PM Aug 12th

Just finished skating and working on @BilanOfficial number! Headed into the city for some big meetings and hopefully snuffling @tmodlin.


Here you can watch how Mishin & Moskvina skate 2006/2007 years! :bra_vo:
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby cekoni » 19 Aug 2010, 08:27

.... KP.ru and their "construction" :ps_ih:


Серебряный и бронзовый призер Олимпиады-2010 Иван Скобрев: «Тему диссертации выбрал после разговора с Плющенко»

- Друзья в Питере в основном из мира спорта?
- Да. Очень хорошие отношения у нас с Евгением Плющенко. С Дмитрием Шепелем познакомился, когда он уже был известнейшим конькобежцем, многому у него научился. Часто созваниваемся с хоккеистом СКА Алексеем Яшиным. Познакомился с ним, когда однажды летел из Америки в одном самолете. Теперь вот болею за СКА. Рад, что Алексей продлил контракт с армейским клубом. Знаком и с Андреем Аршавиным.

- Осенью поступаю в аспирантуру, так что опять буду в Питере учиться.

- Тема диссертации известна?
- Она связана со строительством гостиничных комплексов.

- Случаем, не Плющенко ли предложил вам последовать его примеру и заняться гостиничным хозяйством?
- Мы говорили об этом. Но тему диссертации я выбрал сам.
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby cekoni » 28 Aug 2010, 07:57

You recognize this handsome young guy? :hi_hi_hi:

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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby Вера » 28 Aug 2010, 08:09

Мишин. :-): Нет? :hi_hi_hi:
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