Ola_1 wrote:Skyylar wrote:clairdelalune wrote:They think they can increase FS popularity with skaters like Patrick Chan?
Patrick Chan thinks so! It's those "envelope-pushing" spins of his, you know.
PAtrick Chan? good joke!I remember his Vancouver's programmes and the unfair, rediculous judgement. He simply sucked, but because he is from Canada his final score was just great. IT's just crazy!
Anyway, if he thinks he can increase FS popularity, he better prepares himself for a huge disappointment, because Plushy is the only one who can do it!
I still laugh whenever I think of some of the stuff Chan said after the Vancouver "Quad Controversy":
Yeah, I also thought his performance in Vancouver was bad. He is very young, but my personal opinion is that he is delusional if he believes he currently has more skills on the ice than Plushy, if he believes his career will be more stellar and noteworthy than Plushy's, and if he believes spins are the future of FS. He's full of bravado and sarcasm, but I think the truth is that it not only galls him that an almost thirty-year-old Plushenko can still kick his butt in a comp, it scares the hell out of him.
As much I appreciate and admire Weir's and Takahashi's talent, I think the day FS dies will be the day Plushenko retires. The ISU will allow him to compete again because as stupid as they have shown they can be, they aren't that stupid.