18.07.2011 "Prince Ice World", TOKYO show - Yuzuru Hanyu wearing Plushy's bracelet

cekoni wrote:18.07.2011 "Prince Ice World", TOKYO show - Yuzuru Hanyu wearing Plushy's bracelet![]()
RT @_krudy: Cute Korean boy figureskater 차준환, he imitates Plushenko s mullet LOL
http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/view/at ... 0001599403
... he is a serious athlete. He is a winner in the 2010 National Sports Festival in Korea.
cekoni wrote:Here is another, even smaller skater, which idol is Plushy
Kudryavka wrote:-----------------
By the way, Stephane Lambiel talked about Evgeni in his book. He was saying like "Plushenko has elegance in his skating, but also has a strength. He is seemingly cool as a cucumber and unaggressive (I dont know how can I say), but actually he is very assertive. He has great speed and I like it. I think he is simply elegant. He skates very cleanly."
< Thanks Steph!
Стефан Ламбьель сказал про Евгения в своей книге:
"В катании Плющенко есть элегантность, но есть также и сила. Он кажется "невозмутимым, как огурец" (в смысле "спокойным, как удав"), и неагрессивным, но на самом деле он очень напористый.У него замечательная скорость, и мне это нравится. Я думаю, он просто элегантен. Он очень чисто катается".
cekoni wrote:
Kudryavka wrote:You made another news topic? I think this type "related-Plushy-general-news topic" can be joined in "Monthly news"(in my taste)
But I waited for general topic like this topic.
By the way, Stephane Lambiel talked about Evgeni in his book. He was saying like[i] "Plushenko has elegance in his skating, but also has a strength. He is seemingly cool as a cucumber and unaggressive (I dont know how can I say), but actually he is very assertive....
This book, almost his photos. If you are a fan of Stephane, you should buy
simona wrote:Soo cuteee mini Korean Plushy!
cekoni wrote:Thx kudryavka 4 sharing Lambiel's lines!
cekoni wrote:
Like your avatar![]()
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