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Re: Пресса о Жене на льду || Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby Scarlett » 24 Jun 2009, 10:32

Статья в немецком "Фокус" о возвращении Жени
Pluschenko plant Comeback bei Olympia 2010
http://www.focus.de/sport/wintersport/e ... 10_aid_374
Если коротко, то пишут, что женя поставил себе целью возвращении к Олимпиаде. Это уже 3 ОИ в жизни жени.
"Это будет нелегко, вернуться на вершину после такого долгого отсутствия, но я решил рискнуть. Я тренируюсь по 2 раза в день и наберу форму к нужному моменту" - говорит женя.
После ухода Жени русские не выиграли ни одной медали в одиночках.
Женя:" Очень хочется добра от людей, просто нереально хочется..."
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Re: Пресса о Жене на льду || Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby Scarlett » 24 Jun 2009, 10:41

И еще одна похожая, но тут пишут еще, что Алена с Робином заявили о том, что Женя находится уже в очень хорошей форме. Сам Женя :"Мне очень не хватает соревнований. Я ничего не теряю вернувшись, но попытаюсь еще раз выиграть."
Почему то указано, что Женя думает о том, что Стефан Ламбъель тоже вернется. Было б замечательно конечно :son-ce:
http://www.ftd.de/sport/wintersport/win ... omeback/51
Женя:" Очень хочется добра от людей, просто нереально хочется..."
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Re: Пресса о Жене || Press about Evgeni

Postby cekoni » 27 Jun 2009, 10:15

Scarlett wrote:Валентин Писеев: «В Ванкувере вы увидите другого Плющенко»

Президент Федерации фигурного катания на коньках России (ФФКР) Валентин Писеев рассказал о подготовке Евгения Плющенко к Олимпийским играм в Ванкувере.....

... wider version of this interview... :ni_zia:

Valentin Piseev: In Vancouver, will see different Plushenko

Guest «Soviet Sport» has been president of the Russian Federation of figure skating Valentin Piseev. He spoke about how to prepare sportsmens for the Olympics in Vancouver, on medal's plan for the 2010 Games and much more. But most importantly, Piseev, for the first time in a long time, spoke optimistically about participating in the Olympics of Evgeni Plushenko.

On wednesday, Plushenko arrives one day in Moscow, where he have medical examination, mandatory for all members of the Olympic team, in the "Treatment and rehabilitation centers". After that, Evgeni met with Piseev and discussed about his plan of preparation for Vancouver.

«Quadruple jump sooner to do»

- Last year we also was plan discussed, argued it - tells Piseev. - Month two, all went fine, but then Zhenya changed his decision: began to ride in the show, participated in the program «Stars on Ice» at RTR. Consequently, when Plushenko at the beginning of the year once again decided to return, I took the news with skepticism. But after I visit his training in St. Petersburg after the World Championships, began is to change my opinion. I saw how Zenya came to the ice - ready by 100 per cent, after a decent warm up and consultations with the choreographer. Zhenya made some triple Axel, and other triple jumps. Even tried and quad, but a jump was not the "cleanest". I then said Plushenko coach Alexei Mishin, that is not to force training. Still, at Zhenya's is overweight, and the quad to make it is hard.

- How much extra weight in Evgeni?
- At that time it was 5-6 kg, now less. So, then I talked to Igor and Tamara Moskvina, who constantly sees Plushenko on Ice. Igor Borisovich always has been skeptical about return of Evgeni, but even he said, that he did not expect that Plushenko is be so serious about his training. Tamara agree with him.

But the most important thing, that Zhenya himself realized that he was still able to be the best. Test their ability, looked world championship, saw those who would compete and draw conclusions. Well, unless it is worse than Lysachek, who became world champion in Los Angeles? No, of course! American purely and in good speed skate his programs, but it is not an outstanding figure skater. In Turin, where Plushenko wins, he would not even hit the top five.

At the world championships, by the way, was Zhenya's agent Ari Zakarian. He also estimated the chances of Olympic champion in the fight against current competitors, and also decided that Evgeni has all the chances to win.


- How has passed a medical examination on wednesday, and what you talked with Plushenko?
- No serious health problems have been identified in Zhenya's, traumatized knee is fine. This was confirmed and the figure skater, and a doctors who examined him. To Plushenko's they gaves recommendations, on what the muscles need skate, to eliminate the difference in the status of the muscles left and right legs.

I also discussed with Zhenya about his preparation for Vancouver, he spoke about his programs. Ideas for short and long programs are ready, there is a slight problem on the musical accompaniment, but they decided in the near future.

During the conversation, Zhenya told me the right thing: if he will now do the same, which he was three years ago, it would be a repetition. And he does not want to repeat. In Vancouver, you will see different Plushenko, not only in terms of performance elements and costumes, but also and programs will be different.

Personally, I am convinced, and with a program that was at Zhenya's in Turin, he would have won today. But, Plushenko - this is phenomenon in figure skating, as it requires to much. He must be original.

- When you can see the new programs of Evgeni's?
- I agreed with Zhenya, that in august he will participate in three or four shows ...

- That is, Plushenko will continue to participate in the shows?
- Three or four - is the maximum. We have an agreement about this, and with Evgeni, and his agent, and Mishin. At these shows, he will show a new short program, and parts of - long. In 20th August in Novogorske, will be control skating, where Zhenya will show program to specialists, judges. They give advice him abut levels of elements, components, etc.

«Honeymoons will not be»

- In what events to attend Evgeni?
- To start - two or three competitions in Russian scale - Samara and St. Petersburg. Most probably, he compete and at a tournament in Finland. For him is now very important to once again feel the competitive environment. In october we call Plushenko at the Russian stage a series of «Grand Prix» in Moscow. In early december, Evgeni compete at "Memorial Panina" in St. Petersburg. Then - Championship of Russia and Europe.

- Valentin Nikolaevich, you asked the Olympic champion of what he has the motivation to return to sports?
- Ask - he did not have enough adrenaline. To him missed competitions, experiences, victories...

- The question, that all are interested: what is the price of return Plushenko? I remember, he said that back when he is fully compensated for financial losses from participating in the show.
- Towards to Federation, he is no excessive demands are not raised. Payment for costumes, work of the coach - was conversation, nothing more. As far as I know, Yana Rudkovskaya found a sponsor for his preparation for the Olympics. In addition, Olympic gold medal now give a very good prize - 100 thousand euro, plus a car. It is for that fight.

- By the way, Rudkovskaya is not against the idea, returning of Evgeni?
- On the contrary, she wishes that Zhenya took part in the Olympics.

- And what about the wedding, which seems to have been appointed in august?
- Weddings, as far as I know, will. But not and honeymoon - almost as soon, Zhenya would return to training ...
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Re: Пресса о Жене || Press about Evgeni

Postby cekoni » 27 Jun 2009, 10:52

Scarlett wrote:Стефан Ламбьель: «Для фигурного катания будет отлично, если Плющенко вернется» :-):
... – цитирует Ламбьеля Golden Skatе.
http://www.sports.ru/others/figure-skat ... 19936.html

Similar interview with Lambiel :mi_ga_et:

http://web.icenetwork.com/news/article. ... y=ice_news
By Laurie Nealin, special to icenetwork.com

... Asked about Russian Evgeni Plushenko's musings about returning to compete in the upcoming Olympic season after taking the gold in 2006, Lambiel said:

"I think if he can come back, it is very good for him and very good for figure skating, because he has a very strong personality and he is a very good character for skating. I really hope he can practice as much as he needs to come back because it's not easy to make a comeback. I wish him all the best and good luck."

As for predictions about which men are most likely to succeed Plushenko, Buttle and himself as Olympic medalists next February, Lambiel said there are many possibilities. However, his top four picks would be Plushenko, if he does come back, Canadian Patrick Chan, Frenchman Brian Joubert and American Evan Lysacek, the reigning world champion....
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Re: Пресса о Жене || Press about Evgeni

Postby cekoni » 27 Jun 2009, 10:55

Scarlett wrote:Евгений Плющенко: «Я должен попытаться стать двукратным олимпийским чемпионом»
... – приводит слова Плющенко Golden Skatе.
http://www.sports.ru/others/figure-skat ... 15996.html


Evgeny Plushenko: «I must try to become a double Olympic champion»

Russian figure skater Evgeni Plushenko told what the problem posed in front of them at the Games in Vancouver.

« My idea is that ... I still want something to win. I must try to become a double Olympic champion. If this does not succeed, then try to get into the top 3 that will be a good result.

I have a friend, a hockey player Alexei Zhamnov. He has three Olympic medals - gold, silver and bronze. When I became the second in Salt Lake City, he said: «Do you need another medal». When ranked first in Turin, he said: «Now you have two medals, and I do - three. If you return and win the bronze, it would be perfect ». So it looks as if I was listening to it and now I want to win another Olympic medal.

Try to show the very best to get the highest award - Gold. But if it does not, it will not be upset. Notes with appreciation, even if you do not get in the prizes. Everything else can happen, but nobody will take away what is already there with me. Just the Olympic champion will be someone else, and it will happen - sooner or later.

I really missed the competition, did not have enough adrenaline. This is not in the show. I want to compete. I want to re-live it and remember my youth, although I am still young » - quoting Plushenko, "Golden Skate".
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Re: Пресса о Жене на льду || Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 27 Jun 2009, 11:06

Scarlett wrote:Плющенко: назад в будущее

* В статье: Плющенко Евгений
* Автор: Tatjana Flade
* Источник: "Golden Skate", Великобритания ....

June 1, 2009
Article and Photos by Tatjana Flade

Evgeni Plushenko
Back to the Future


A sunny, warm morning in the last week of May in St. Petersburg, Russia, and world famous coach Alexei Mishin is on the ice in the bright Yubileini practice rink with its large windows teaching his young students. Music is playing, and junior skater Artur Gatchinski is working on the choreography for his free program, while 12-year-old Russian silver medalist (senior level!) Elizaveta Tuktamysheva is practicing a triple Axel - and comes close to landing it.

Some other kids are skating around on the ice, jumping and spinning, everything under Mishin's watchful eyes - who calls them over one by one to give instructions and/or to correct mistakes.

At 10:35 AM, a young blond man - taller and older than the other skaters, dressed all in black, takes the ice. His speed and command set him apart immediately. Evgeni Plushenko, reigning Olympic Champion, 2002 Olympic silver medallist, three-time World Champion, and five- time European Champion has started his practice.

"This is the first day of my preparation for the season after my vacation," Plushenko said 90 minutes later in coach Mishin's office. After three years of skating and touring with his own ice show "The Golden Ice of the Stradivarius", serving as a deputy in the city parliament of St. Petersburg, and performing with Russian singer Dima Bilan to win the Grand Prix d'Eurovision song contest, Plushenko is back to a regular two-times a day practice session. David Avdish is working with him on choreography and he is also receiving off-ice training with two former track-and-field athletes.

Oddly enough, not much seems to have changed. The rink still looks the same as it did years ago. Coach Mishin is still there, working on the ice or standing at the boards. Only the kids have grown. Plushenko is back now and he wants to be on the podiums of the international figure skating world once again.

"My idea is ...I still want to win something," Plushenko explained when asked about his motivation to return to competition after having won every possible title. "I have to try to become a two-time Olympic Champion. But even if I don't manage to win the Olympics again, just to make the top three would be a very good result."

"I have a friend, ice hockey player Alexei Zhavnov," he continued. 'He has three Olympic medals – gold, silver and bronze. When I was second (in Salt Lake City in 2002), he said, 'well, you need another medal'. When I was first (in Torino in 2006) he said, 'now you have two medals, but I have three and if you come back and take the bronze, that would be really good'. So, it looks like I listened to him and I want another medal," Plushenko grinned.

"Which one it will be ...I will try my best that it will be the highest possible award - the gold medal," Plushenko continued. "But even if it doesn't work out, I won't be upset. I will take it gracefully even if I'm outside the top three. Everything can happen because nobody can take away from me the medals that I have. Nobody is taking away my title (from 2006). Just someone else will be Olympic Champion and this will happen sooner or later anyway."

"I missed competing," Plushenko admitted. "I missed this adrenalin shot. You don't have that in the show. I want to compete. I missed this specific competitive atmosphere. No matter if it's the trip to a competition, the hotel, the trip on the bus to the ice rink, or the events after a competition. I want to live through all this again and to remember my youth, although I am still young."

While his mother is against Plushenko competing again, his fiancée, Jana Rudkovskaia, is very supportive. Others are very much in favor of his decision as well.

"I think the Olympic season will be much more exciting with Plushenko competing, offered choreographer Avdish. "His comeback should draw a lot of interest from public and media."

Stéphane Lambiel, who performed together with Plushenko in his shows this spring, agreed. "It would be great for figure skating if he is competing again. He looks like he is in much better shape than last year. If he continues to train and keeps going, this could be great for the sport and for him - especially if he wins a third Olympic medal. He is very strong and he has a lot of energy and charisma, nobody can deny that."

Plushenko knows what he has to do. "I have three months until my first competition, and I don't have much time," he pointed out. "The most important thing is to stay healthy. I've started to train seriously before my European tour (in spring) and I got back all my elements within two months - like the triple Axel. I landed six triple Axels in one show (in Germany in late April), and I've never done this even when I was at my best. I did a quad toe as an encore."

Now the 26-year-old is working on his two new programs, a short program to the Chopin theme from the movie The Pianist and a Tango piece for the long - both arranged and played for him by his good friend, Hungarian violinist Edvin Marton. "I picked the music, but it's not completely ready," stated Plushenko. "We still have to change something. Actually, nothing is really ready yet. There are only ideas. But as past experience tells, and we always had the will to succeed, everything can happen very fast."


The next day, Plushenko, coach Mishin, and choreographer Avdish put together the circular footwork for the short program within an hour. Turns, steps, twizzles, upper body and arm movements. They discuss every move, every detail. They try something, reject it, and take something else. One idea builds on the next, they incorporate it, they feed off each other.

It is an amazing, very creative process, and at the end, the step sequence is packed not only with elements, but also with gestures and details that reflect the theme of the program. The movie plays in the second World War and tells the story of a Jewish pianist in the horror of the Warsaw ghetto.

"This was a very productive practice," Mishin said, obviously pleased, "but we still have a lot of work ahead of us."

Plushenko was already hard at work for two months earlier this year. "It was extremely difficult at the beginning and I've asked myself, 'why I'm doing this?' I have everything that I need. I have a phone, I have a car, a house, an apartment, money ...I don't need more. I thought, 'why am practicing spins, jumps, steps?'.

The falls and injuries are inevitable, however, the will to compete again, to be on the podium again, is stronger. "My future wife, Jana, pushed me into this direction already last year," Plushenko pointed out. "She said, 'you are still young, you can do it'."

Many people are still doubting if the Olympic Champion will really will come back, especially since he talked about a comeback last season but then skated in shows instead.

"Last year, I participated in three training camps of Alexei Mishin and I had an off-ice coach, but then my meniscus started to hurt again," explained Plushenko. "The right and the left one as well. I went to Munich for treatment. I felt that I just didn't have enough time to get ready. My knees stopped me. When I got an offer to skate in the show, I picked the show."

This year, however, is different. "Three months ago I trained hard and I saw that it was going well," said Plushenko. "So I made a decision and went to see Valentin Nikolaevitch (Piseev, President of the Russian Figure Skating Federation)." Piseev reacted positively on Plushenko's quest for another Olympic medal and invited him for the Grand Prix Rostelecom Cup in Moscow at the end of October.

Before that, however, Plushenko will have to present his new routines to the Federation officials at the traditional test skate that is scheduled for August 24 in Novogorsk near Moscow. He wants to start his season in Samara in early September at a national competition. He also plans to attend Finlandia Trophy in the second week of October.

For the preparation during this summer, Plushenko will train under Mishin's guidance in camps in Estonia, Italy, and Germany in June and July. Back in Russia in August, he plans to marry his fiancée Jana in Moscow. In everything he says and plans and does on the ice, he seems very serious and determined.

"I know it is very hard, but it is possible," Plushenko said about his chances for a strong comeback. "I know that I have a lot of rivals. I didn't compete at the World level for three years and I'll need to be a class above them." He also underlined Lambiel as a potential rival and firmly believes the two-time World Champion will return as well.

Plushenko is already a part of figure skating history, but he wants more. If he indeed wins a second Olympic gold medal, he would be the first male skater to repeat as an Olympic Champion since Dick Button, who won in 1948 and 1952. He would also be the second man in history to earn more than two Olympic medals. Nobody has won three so far, but Gillis Grafström of Sweden claimed four - three gold and one silver from 1920 to 1932.
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Re: Пресса о Жене на льду || Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 27 Jun 2009, 12:01

A little more to go back to the past - only to "recapitulate" the events :a_g_a:
(you have links to the original texts from Russian newspapers :mi_ga_et: )

Газета «Коммерсантъ» № 88 (4143) - 20.05.2009.

Evgeni Plushenko takes to the ice

Today, 26-year-old Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko, after thorough medical examination in the department of sports medicine treatment and rehabilitation center on the highway "Ivankovskoe" in Moscow, meet with the president of the Federation of Russia figure skating (FFKR), to discuss the details of his return to the team. Valentin Piseev said to "Kommersant" that now he beat any of our figure skater, and under certain conditions, he will again be able to compete for an Olympic medal in Vancouver.

In return Evgeni Plushenko in amateur sport is difficult to believe, though in recent years he has repeatedly made statements that this is necessarily going to happen. The point is that after the Olympics 2006 in Turin, figure skater he became a member of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg from "Fair Russia" and, more importantly, with the head left the show in various projects. And even his famous coach Alexei Mishin sincerely doubt that his pupil, winning in all sports, will find the motivation to return to competitive action.

However, in early spring became aware, that Plushenko is seriously trains in St. Petersburg Palace of Sports "Yubileyniy." Moreover, in shows, in which he continued to participate on an equal basis with other world stars of figure skaters, he demonstrate literally amazing performance of difficult jumps. And not just the audience, than also and his fellow skaters. Thus, according to the double world champion in pair skating Aliona Savchenko, and literally a few days ago, Plushenko, despite the presence of apparently unnecessary for him five or six kilos, on warm-up before show in Germany, easily and naturally jumped quadruple flip. And hall, reacted loudly.

President of FFKR Valentin Piseev, which, however, yesterday in a conversation with "Kommersant", stressed premature any serious conclusions, or even official statements, did not hide his positive attitude towards, it seems, a serious desire figure skater, to return on ice. He spoke in particular, as a month ago he attended a training Aleksey Mishin, and with his own eyes saw, how is Evgeni Plushenko performed triple Axel and quadruple toe-loop jumps.
"I do not want to offend current leaders of the Russian men's single skating, but even today, in his, as yet far from perfect condition, Evgeni will win them, as they say, in "one gate". Plushenko - this is a totally different level. And win an Olympic medal - for he is real. Double-row champions of the world, were the Americans (again mistake :P), and they are not implemented quadruple jumps, but at the Games, I am confident, win without them - can not be".

But to get into the national team, and worthy compete at the Games in Vancouver, according to Valentin Piseev, Evgeni Plushenko must fulfill a number of conditions. That - two daily training sessions, abandonment of long-term (weeks) summer showcase tour, and most importantly, preservation of a serious mood. And all thus, to the Olympics. Figure skater must master and a minimum of technical: cascades of quad-triple and a triple axel-triple jump of any other, as well as the entire set of triple jumps. If the results of medical examinations, and skating programs at the end of May in Novogorsk, as well as a thorough examination study of plans figure skater's, skating federation will include Evgeni Plushenko in the candidates of national's team. However, before he get the right, to start in Vancouver, he will compete at the "Cup of Russia", Moscow stage of the Grand Prix, as well as championships of Russia and Europe.

With regard to political activity, from it, Evgeni Plushenko is likely, farewell. The leader of the party "Fair Russia" Sergei Mironov, previously reported that the figure skater wants to lay down their parliamentary powers, to be concentrate on the sport.



Plushenko will go to the Olympics. Or in space

As already reported by "Izvestia", celebrated figure skater Evgeni Plushenko finally decided to return to the sport. In wednesday, winner of Turin Olympics was a complete checkup, and then held talks with President of the Federation of Russia figure skating Valentin Piseev. In the coming days, Evgeni will begin targeted training for winter Games 2010, to be held in Vancouver.


.... In the Olympic Committee of Russia, for a meeting with Piseev, Evgeni tearing ... on a motorcycle. However, not behind the wheel, but as a passenger. A powerful two-vehicle, control his friend Mikhail. If Zhenya is not removed the shining black helmet, why wheat hair fell on the shoulders, correspondent of "Izvestia" is certainly would not be different champion, of advanced biker. Short white and yellow leather jacket okay sitting on the champion, and in movements through the inherent motorcyclists confident relaxedness.

Good physical shape, Plushenko has demonstrated already, at the marble stairs of Olympic Committee. They did not even gasp, he took off on the fourth floor, and the interceptions "respectful view" of your correspondent, joked: "At the medical examination, doctors said that my health could be at least tomorrow to fly to space. I myself feel it. To arrive at the optimum condition, is take off only a half kilo."....

Plushenko's meeting with the head of the federation was preceded by an in-depth medical examination in the department of sports medicine, in medical "Roszdrav". After a series of special tests and measurements, which lasted about two hours, happy Evgeni said: "Doctors said, that with such health as I have, it is possible tomorrow to fly to space". The optimistic findings of colleagues, to a more moderate form, confirmed and head of medical department professor Vladimir Preobrazhensky: "Health of Zhenya in order, it can increase the load".

Fly into space, Plushenko has not yet been collected. But to get to Vancouver, he believes, is quite real. In any case, the results of his recent training encouraging....

He needs to take off half kilo. Perhaps, this "grams" go in the coming days, when the champion will proceed to two daily training. Do it will be in St. Petersburg, under the famous coach Alexei Mishin. Teacher, of course, pleased with the return to build, his a best student's, but said that Zhenya should prepare for more work. However, for big goal, Plushenko is ready to tolerate the huge load.
"After the victory at the Games in Turin, I really thought that going from amateur figure skating forever. But for three years, I managed to miss all that emotions that are rampant in the competitions, and I would like to try them again at the Vancouver Ice" - confessed figure skater to "Izvestiya" .



Газета «Коммерсантъ» № 89 (4144) - 21.05.2009.

Evgeni Plushenko: I promise to go all the way, till the end

Yesterday, after the verdict rendered by Moscow doctors about "healthy" Olympic champion, three-time world champion Evgeni Plushenko, in an interview with "Kommersant", positioned itself as a full member of team Russia, and said, that tomorrow with coach Alexei Mishin will begin in St. Petersburg specifically to prepare for Olympics 2010 year. The famous 26-year-old figure skater also announced its intention to start in 2014, at the Olympic Games in Sochi. And regardless of the outcome of his performance in Vancouver, which expects to win, at least, a medal.

What motivates you to return to the amateur sports?
- The most important thing is, that to me terribly missing competitions, and I would like in sports, extend my youth. Even and at Sochi-2014. Seriously. With regard to the Olympic medals, I am satisfied with any. One way or another, but I did not lose - already, I am sorry, went down in history. However, why it hide: I am, of course, back again to win. That would be fantastic! I am aware that quite a number of my potential competitors, including Canadian Patrick Chan, Japanese Daisuke Takahashi, Frenchman Brian Jouber, Swiss Stephane Lambel, and not all. They hungry for major victories, will simply be slit to gold. And I, because it was not me three years to the world competitions, it is necessary for me, to be the head better than any other. About Lambiel, I have not agreed, because in his illness I not believed. Simply, he decided to rest before the Olympic season, and quietly skating his new programs. Otherwise, why should he entire year, jumping quadruple jumps on training and in shows? He would skating, because themselves, something easier. In short, the guy - played.

To win at the Games without a quadruple jump, as it was in the last two world championships, believes, no longer do?
- Absolutely not. For instance, I intend to include in long program, maximum of two jumps - both toe-loop. A month ago, on show in Germany, I performed the quadruple toe-loop in encore's. In four performance there, I can say, broke a world record by jumping a total two to four, as did others, and myself in the best of times, than even six triple Axel. However, if my trainings, show's at least 90 per cent of stability in performance, for example, quadruple Lutz or Salchov, it may be made to the Olympic program, and some jumps diversity. By the way, music to both program's wrote my friend - Hungarian violinist Edvin Marton. Long - "Tango", a short - arranged musical theme from the film "Pianist".

Are you with Alexei Mishin had already begun to Olympic preparations?
- Begins tomorrow. A first three months, we restored Axel. Recently, I and Yana Rudkovskaya returned from the rest of Sochi. Yana is very concerned that I returned to the sport. Perhaps, even more than the federation. Eventually, she found me a sponsor - a company "Oriflame". Our wedding - in August in Moscow.

What do you say now doctors?
- Healthy, even in the space launch. To bring the body into the final feeling, left off a couple of kilos. To "battle's" - 73. And now, as a member of team Russia, I promise to go - all the way to the end. Even across health problems, which in the course of the season, could still arise. But, of course, not through as in 2005, when I was operated on at the inguinal hernia. A decision to return, I took for himself, a year ago. However, during the summer at training camp in Italy, Germany and Estonia (by the way, there we go with Alexei Nikolayevich and this year), I began to feel discomfort in the operated knees, had to go to Munich and receive injections. Then, included in the work, it was too late.

When are you going begin to competition?
- At the end of September. Immediately I warn, that the first pancake could be bad. Yes, and the second too. One way or another, but the most important launch in the season, before the Olympics, will be Championship of Russia and Europe. Of course, I will ask the President of the Russian Federation Valentin Piseev, to include me in the application and to participate in the Russian stage of the Grand Prix. It is a pity only, that he did not take place in St. Petersburg, than again in Moscow. In general, more important, until February, in time to bring the body, and last, but not least, a head in full order.

With which you think to surprise audience and judges?
- In addition to impeccable technique entirely new ways, choreography, music and costumes. Jumps in the male figure skating for three years has not changed, which can not be said and about the rotation, spirals, выкрутах (unscrews... transitions? :ensure:), steps. Jumps - this is only a canvas of modern single skating. So, to work not only on them, but and on artistry, and even charisma. It is this intangible substance, without denial, applies to the public. Aleksei Nikolaevich and me want's, for example, a "Tango" quite unusual, for what at once and invited four choreographers. Along with our friend David Avdysh, to us will help and ballet people from "Bolyshoy" and "Mariinsky Theater". My "general physical" training will conducting couple - former "light" athletes, we have in the team and a dietician. But a psychologist, to me yet, no needed. As part of the costumes, we are negotiating with Valentin Yudashkin, Igor Chapurin and Roberto Cavalli. The point is that the practice shows - not all of an average of five for the season sew costumes are not equally successful. During the years of skating, I collected a huge number of them. Those, in wich I won the medals, will remain with me forever. Yana and I decided to exhibit other at various charity auctions, for money to children. The first such auction will take place May 31 in Sochi.

Alexei Mishin has never hide, that he advises a lot of famous figure skaters ...
- This question is closed. As long, as he prepares to launch me.
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Re: Пресса о Жене на льду || Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 27 Jun 2009, 12:14



The Bureau of the Federation of figure skating Russia, 25.05.2009
President of the Federation, VN Piseev

LIST of candidates for the athletic teams of Russian Federation figure skating in 2009-2010

The main composition

.... Single skating (men)

11. Borodulin Artiom Igorevich 09.03.1989, CSKA Moscow, Buyanova EG, 2nd - Winter Universiad, 2nd - Championship Russia
12. Voronov Sergey 03.10.1987, SDYUSHOR St. Petersburg, Urmanov AE, Olga Kazakova, 9th - European Championships, 13n - World Championships, 1st - Championship Russia
13. Grigorev Artem Sergeevich 27.02.1992, ESHVSM «Moskvich» Moscow, Kudryavtsev VN, 3th - World Championships (juniors), 3th - Championship of Russia among juniors
14. Lutay Andrei Vladimirovich 24.07.1986, SDYUSHOR St. Petersburg, Mishin AN, Mishina T., 7th - European Championship, 10th - World Championships, 3th - Championship Russia
15. Plushenko Evgeni 03.11.1982, SDYUSHOR St. Petersburg, Mishin A.N., 1st - Olympic Games 2006
16. Uspensky Vladimir 07.02.1989, ESHVSM «Moskvich» Moscow, Kudryavtsev VN, Kapranova AV, 4th - Championship Russia ......



Decision of Presidium Federation of figure skating Russia :plush17:

«The outcome of the participation of Russian figure skaters in the main competition season 2008 - 2009., and plan for training in the season 2009 - 2010 biennium for the Olympic Games of 2010 »

... The main rivals of Russian figure skaters at the upcoming Olympics in Vancouver will be athletes: Germany and China - in pair skating; U.S., Canada - dance; Canada, United States, France and Japan - in the men's singles skating. In the women's singles skating, we have no chance to fight for place. It will compete Korean, Canadian, Japanese.

Bureau Federation decides:

1. Recognize the presentation of athletes and the core standby team in season 2008 - 2009 satisfactory.

2. The main task of national team in season 2009 - 2010 biennium, will be winning at the Olympic Winter Games in 2010 in Vancouver (Canada):

- A gold medal in ice dancing,
- Prizes in pair skating,
- 1-3 place in the men's singles skating in the case of participation in the Olympics - Evgeni Plushenko,
- Place in the top six in the women's and men's singles skating.

3. Plan of activities of candidates for team Russia in preparation for the main competition season 2009 - 2010 will be approve.

4. Board Federation, Russian trainer's Council, Federation Commission on the work of the national team to establish a permanent monitoring of the strict implementation of individual plans for preparing candidates for the national team. Preparations for the Excom (Board Federation) hear every 1.5 months, beginning with the month of August....

President of the Federation, VN Piseeev
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Re: Пресса о Жене на льду || Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 27 Jun 2009, 12:18

Piseev explains in "detail", the decision of Russian Skating Federatation :hi_hi_hi: (only "Plushy parts" from interviews)


Piseev appreciated last season

... The main success of Russian figure skaters, Valentin Piseev described the size of the "earned" figure skaters to the outcome of the championship in Los Angeles - 16 athletes from 18 possible: "This is the largest representation. We walked around all - from the United States made by 15 people, from Canada - 12.

The upcoming Olympics in the opinion of management FFKR, Russian figure skater will fight for "gold" in the dance, the place in pair skating.

"If Evgeni Plushenko did take part in the Games, we can expect to place in the men's singles skating." Piseev told that he recently spoke with Evgeni on this topic, was considered by his individual plan.
"I asked him - do not get there, as last year, when further calls on the preparation of the case, does not matter. Plushenko promised - will do everything to go. With the level, which show now world's best figure skaters - you can fight. Supernatural results, men have not yet been demonstrated. If Plushenko will participate at the Games - he put a plan, place of 1-3. I quote's Zhenya: "Gold" I have, "silver" also, "bronze" - well, is not bad."
But he is, of course, set only at the highest achievement".



We sharp's skates

Federation of figure skating season, summed up the results and approved the list of candidates for the Olympics team....

.... In Men, hit of the day - the unconditional return of Evgeni Plushenko. At the second "passport" for Olympic tournament - claimed five more. Led by Sergei Voronov and Andrei Lutay....

- Rossiyskaya Gazeta: For what will go in Vancouver?
- Valentin Piseev (president of the Federation of figure skating in Russia): We are already at these Olympic Games a leader: we will have more of all participants - 16. Behind us is Americans, 15. But if seriously, that will fight for 1st place in the dance, for a medal in pair skating. I stay happy, if some our woman skaters, come into the six.

- RG: What with men?
- Piseev: If everything will be OK with Evgeni Plushenko, should be hoped - some medal.

- RG: Something specifically?
- Piseev: There will be no injuries, Zhenya can win the "gold".

- RG: When a team will go to Vancouver?
- Piseev: For 10-12 days prior to the start of the Games, team to settle in a small town in the 50 kilometers from the Olympic capital, is in good calm conditions will be prepared for a comfortable modern skating rink. And for 2-3 days before the Games, figure skaters competing in their own species, will settle in the Olympic village. Why early, slop nervous energy? This fee increased scholarships, for the prize, given to the best sports school figure skating, I want to thank, our general sponsor "Rostelecom".
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Re: Пресса о Жене на льду || Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 27 Jun 2009, 12:28


Interview Yana and Evgeni on St.Petersburg's radio/TV station "FM TV" - 24.05.2009.
- view: http://www.tv100.ru/video/view/10056/

Plushy came in studio, 10 minutes before the end... his "official" statement about the return to competition: :plush1:
2009-05-24 Plushy about comeback on competition (FM TV, St. Petersburg) - Xvid avi, 7 MB

... short translation ... :ni_zia:
He met the previous day with Piseev (president of Figure Skating Federation of Russia) ... his first official competition will be in september - Samara (Russia), october - ISU GP "Rostelecom Cup" (formerly "Cup of Russia"), december - Russian national championships, European championships in january 2010 ... and - Olympics.

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