Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Evgeni

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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby Scarlett » 13 Apr 2010, 00:18

12.04.2010 23:01
response to message to yours fans

Ялюблю каждое Ваше выступление, но самый глубокий след во мне оставляет Нежинский. Там все Божественно, где-то близко к нему - Однажды в Америке. В этих вещах другая хореография. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы было что-то новое, уникальное, но корни росли оттуда. Музыка должна затрагивать все струны именно Вашей души, потому что именно Вам воплощать ее в жизнь. Она именно Вас должна везти за собой.Это очень индивидуально. Но есть гениальная музыка, которая никого не оставляет равнодушной и именноэта гениальная музыка для вас. Только надо постараться взять музыку, которая не звучит по десять раз за турнир и не есть в арсенале почти у каждого фигуриста, даже занимающих места 20, 22,23...Мне нравиться ваш подход и Ваши устремления. Мы, ваши поклонники, дейтвительно представляем мощную силу и если мы соединимся...Но во главе этой силы, должно стоять Ваше сердце, Ваша Суть - ведь только в этом случае, каждое движение становится естественным...и божесткенным. А секунда становиться вечностью.
Женя:" Очень хочется добра от людей, просто нереально хочется..."
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby SugarCrash » 13 Apr 2010, 00:23

Hmm...so cool that he values our ideas

Sticking with the general kind of style Evgeni uses in most his programs, I'd suggest Bond- Gypsy Rhapsody for the short program. I think it could be a truly beautiful performance.

As for the long program, I think it would be interesting to use selections from Mona Lisa, from the Matrix Reloaded Soundtrack. It has a lot of potential for excellent choreography.

For exhibition I think Life on Mars by David Bowie would be a lovely choice, with the kind of strong emotion that always moves me every time I watch Evgeni skate.

About costumes, well, I've honestly loved all the costumes over the past few years, so I trust he can come up with something stunning and lovely like always.
Last edited by SugarCrash on 13 Apr 2010, 01:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby Eve » 13 Apr 2010, 00:48

Scarlett wrote: во мне оставляет Нежинский. Там все Божественно,

I agree! Not only "Nijinski" is Evgeni's best program, but THE best program ever in figure skating [as a whole: music + choreography + skating + skater]. I've got chills every time I watch it.

I LOVE Evgeni's sense of humour, but I love even more his serious side at competitions. There's something majestic and beautiful about it.
And when he skates like in "Nijinski", his presence on ice is overwhelming - in a good way. Truly unrivalled.
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby ESTELA » 13 Apr 2010, 01:17

my idea is really risky, but I think Evgeni has such a great talent that he could do one marvellous program with this kind of music, it is very spiritual, although it doesn't matter what he chooses, he can create art from every musical note.
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby ONIONVIPERR » 13 Apr 2010, 01:28

:ya_hoo_oo: :ya_hoo_oo: :ya_hoo_oo: :ya_hoo_oo: LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU PLUSHY


shake it bb :mo-ro_zi_vo:

ps: I'm a crazy fan who would love to see him skate to Kanye West hihihih
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby ONIONVIPERR » 13 Apr 2010, 01:43

:) Now seriously, I would love to see him doing something with a dramatic and strong choreography as Nijinski and ST. Petersburg 300. :co_ol:
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby dimi » 13 Apr 2010, 02:48

I made a list for Plushy :-) :hi_hi_hi:

For Competitive programs or shows i like a lot anything to show the perfect extention Plushy has. He has balletic posture and hands!!!! So :

1. he has the best camel spin among the athletes, almost all people say it!! He has pure and perfect position in camel spin, like this magical christmas boxes dolls that go around :plush32: So his camel spin rocks!

2. and it will be nice to do more inside (and outside) spreadeagles, he looks magical in spread eagles. Aetherial. :an)(gel:

3. And do you remember the first version of Nijinki??? He had little split jumps in circular footwork, he was flying. I love the small split jumps!!! :plush33:

I think also people love and get enthusiastic when

4. he falls on his knees, falls down on the ice (like je suis malade)

5. he does the scratch spin

6. and he does the butterfly jump or death drop jump!!!

7. Last one is his smile :). When Plushy smiles, all people smile! :son-ce: And send more plushykisses! :ki_ss:

Now about music :)

1. we have discussed with many figure skating fans and my dream music for Plushy is
Princess Mononoke soundtrack

I m pasting the Symphony Suite.

(I know krudy will agree with me :plush39:)

2. I know some people have used it but a Marton version of Requiem for a Dream???? I know Marton can do miracles with this soundtrack! This song, it is like it is written for Plushy. :plush32: , it is the dream of many Plushfans to see him skate to this!! So please please please, a show program with Requiem music??

3. The Lord of the Rings Soundtrack

4. I have thought of many songs, The island Soundtrack I saw it is also a favorite choice.

5. My other fav Bernstein: Candide Overture

6. Berlioz - The Damnation Of Faust

i have a lsist of pop rock options like Starman of David Bowie, Suspicious Minds by Elvis Prisley, U2 Beautiful day and many more!!! I also liked Plush program The Soldiers on Fire, :plush31: and thank you for choosing a greek composer :plush28:

My new fav is Je suis Malade, it is like poetry, and it brings emotions! :plush33: French music suits him!
Did I say much? :smu:sche_nie:

Last suggestion for now

Mad World - Gary Jules
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby tamaryokucha » 13 Apr 2010, 04:51

Personally, I'd love to see Evgeni skate to "A Postcard to Henry Purcell" from the Pride & Prejudice soundtrack. It has a great violin part that I'm sure Edvin Marton could critique (ever so slightly, it's already amazing):

It's a pretty short song, so... maybe for a short programme or exhibition?

As for free programmes, exhibitions, or costumes, I have no ideas as of right now. I'll have to sit on this and come back later.

I wish Evgeni luck in the seasons to come. ♥ plush48
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby starshine » 13 Apr 2010, 06:17

Hi. I registered specifically to suggest the first song that came my mind. I don't know why more people don't skate to it. Or any John Williams scores. They're the best.

Superman Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9vrfEoc8_g

And also I'd like to say how much fun it's been watching videos of the Kings on Ice shows that fans have posted around the web. I wish we could see something that awesome over here in the US. Thanks for that. :plush31:
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby karnelove » 13 Apr 2010, 06:26

Hi everyone, I hope I'm doing this right*, I don't speak or read a word of Russian so teh Cyrillic looks all funny to me.

Well, I found a song I hope Plushy could do, it's so him :)


The best part about this song is that it can easily be trimmed for the short :)

*-apparently not. :(
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