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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 27 Mar 2012, 04:31

Вера wrote:Неделя спорта 26.03.2012 (Sports Week)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogUA4IIg ... r_embedded

translation... :ni_zia:

- Journalist in the studio: ... We go to St. Petersburg, to the most titles active Russian skater, who returned to traning after a recent operation...

- Journalist: On special Mishin's machine, along with his friend and choreographer David Avdish, Plushenko training spins. The first training after a recent surgery. Evgeni, not without pride, childlike shows fresh scars.
- Plushy: "It is still fresh, it should heal well... first practice."

- Journalist: Leg should be work out. Evgeni waited a month after surgery, and just now has started with training. Last year, on the ice he went out 15 days after surgery, and he admits that it was too early. Now passed enough time from surgery, but it is obvious that he still listens carefully his organism, reactions of the knee.
- Plushy (1,24"): I feel healthy, today is exactly one month after the operation, as they clean up and remove part of my meniscus. Today I am sincerely impressed with my form, because I now already jumped 3 triple jumps. I am not burdened the left operated leg, and my plan is that next 10 days I do not burden this leg.

- Journalist: The planned program for the current season Evgeni considered as accomplished - he won the Russian and European championship (although he had very serious injuries). Missing the Worlds, he not considered as problem - he need to heal, and to give younger guys a chance.
- Evgeni (2,07"): Many are saying:" When Plushenko will go?". Well, we will see what our boys can show. Sincerely, i wish them luck and that worthy represent our country. I have a lot in future, this is not the last World championship.

- Journalist: Winning for the seventh time European Championship, where he scored an absolute record, Evgeni was especially pleased with how it is achieved...
- Plushy (2,45"): I think that's one of my best performances, regardless that I skated on one leg (for 12 hours I was given 5 injections for pain, also had back injury). I am very pleased that all the elements brought clean, quad primarily, for cascade 3A-3T I got +3, for the quad +2, +3... it speaks for itself. I set up my new score record. Of course, we must not go back. It is our policy, with my coach Mishin - we ought to go forward, we must to grow beyond itself, improves...

- Journalist: In April begins a new season of preparation for Evgeni. What? For now let's this remain secret for his fans. The question is who is, in the absence of Plushenko, the favorite on the World Championship?
- Plushy (3,45"): Well, certainly, it is Patrick Chan. Of course, there's and Daisuke Takahashi. Amazing is Yuzuru (Hanyu), 19 y.o., who at training jumps by 2 quads... so easy. He has amazing skating... Here are 3 of them, which I would to mention.

- Journalist: You did not mention Arthur Gachinski?
- Plushy: Today I do not know what happened to him, training was not so good... Well, Arthur is still, frankly, raw (young?). He will compete with the world's skaters who have more experience, while he is still raw (young?) on ​​the issue of skating. He has excellent choreography, he has progressed so much this year. This, how he skated on the European and performed two quads is for the respect and appreciation. On the training I saw that he fell this jumps, but on the competition he succeeded to jump them very well. But if at Worlds everyone skated clean and at the same level, Artur may enter among the top 5. Of course, I'll cheer for him, because he is in the same team, the team of Alexei Mishin, St. Petersburg... Therefore, I will certainly cheer for him. Once again, I wish him all the best and good luck!

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby simona » 27 Mar 2012, 17:19


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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 27 Mar 2012, 19:19

Here is Plushy's interview for Romanian March issue of magazine "Tabu" by Lorena Lupu :plush45:
(Lorena is girl which make funny video interview with Plushy and Marton: :hi_hi_hi:
http://www.tabu.ro/exclusiv-evgeny-plus ... rviu-tabu/)

2012-03 Romanian magazine Tabu - Interview with Plushenko.pdf - DOWNLOAD PDF:

The March cover:
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... e=1&ref=nf



P.S. funny anecdote which Lorena wrote me :hi_hi_hi:
We sent Plush all the questions in English, he sent the answers in Russian and nobody in the house spoke Russian. Finally, a friend of mine from Moldova helped. This was just a short joke for the site.

P.S.S..... Clair - can you translate shortly to us just "new", or interesting parts from Plushy's interview? :plush39:

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby clairdelalune » 27 Mar 2012, 22:37

No!!!!! Where is my translation!!!!?????? :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :plush29: :plush29: :plush29: :plush29: :plush29: :plush29:
:plush30: :plush30: :plush30: :plush27: :plush27: :plush27: :plush27:
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 27 Mar 2012, 22:41

clairdelalune wrote:No!!!!! Where is my translation!!!!?????? :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :plush29: :plush29: :plush29: :plush29: :plush29: :plush29:

You wrote translation and when you click "Submit" - he dissapeared? :plush38:

Try with button "Back" :plush34:
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby clairdelalune » 27 Mar 2012, 22:44

cekoni wrote:
clairdelalune wrote:No!!!!! Where is my translation!!!!?????? :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :plush29: :plush29: :plush29: :plush29: :plush29: :plush29:

You wrote translation and when you click "Submit" - he dissapeared? :plush38:

Try with button "Back" :plush34:

It's impossible, the session has expired and I've lost everything!!! :ny_tik: I'll translate it again tomorrow. :plush27:

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 27 Mar 2012, 22:50

clairdelalune wrote:It's impossible, the session has expired and I've lost everything!!! :ny_tik: I'll translate it again tomorrow. :plush27:

:plush36: because of same problem, I write in Notepad longer translation :plush34:

Try tomorrow :plush39:
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Kudryavka » 28 Mar 2012, 06:31

Amazing is Yuzuru (Hanyu), 19 y.o.,

Plushy was saying he is 19? actually he is still 17 :hi_hi_hi:
He didn't compete for three years, but as soon as I saw him, I knew that there was a true Olympic Champion on the ice. - Takahiko Kozuka, Rostelecom Cup 2009
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Ирина » 28 Mar 2012, 09:49


Знаменитый фигурист ежедневно будет комментировать для читателей «Комсомолки» события чемпионата мира :sh_ок: :plush41:


На этой неделе в Ницце стартовало первенство планеты по фигурному катанию. Лидер нашей сборной Евгений Плющенко в этом турнире не смог принять участие. После триумфа на чемпионате Европы-2012 в Шеффилде Женя перенес операцию на мениске и сейчас только восстанавливается после хирургического вмешательства.
Тем не менее за ходом турнира он будет наблюдать внимательно. Во-первых, во Франции выступят его главные конкуренты в борьбе за титул короля льда. Во-вторых, в Ницце будут кататься многие его друзья и хорошие знакомые, за которых Женя будет болеть.
Евгений Плющенко согласился во время чемпионата вести свою авторскую колонку на страницах «Комсомолки» и делиться своими мыслями и впечатлениями от увиденного.
- Я уверен, что у России будут медали, и не исключено, что в парном катании - золотые, - дал свой прогноз Евгений накануне старта чемпионата. - Очень сильны Траньков и Волосожар. Ну и конечно, Смирнов с Кавагути.
Прочитать колонку Плющенко вы можете как в еженедельнике «Комсомольская правда», так и в ежедневном выпуске. :co_ol:
Почем тулупы для народа?
Призовой фонд турнира составит 710 тысяч долларов. Это совсем копейки по меркам того же тенниса, где гонорарный фонд турниров Большого шлема зашкаливает за 20 миллионов долларов. Но, во-первых, для фигуристов, которые зарабатывают в основном за счет участия в шоу, и это деньги. А во-вторых, российским спортсменам крайне важно удачно выступить на чемпионате мира, чтобы подтвердить право на получение стипендий от Фонда поддержки олимпийцев. Ведь, помимо стандартной стипендии участника сборной России (это примерно 30 - 45 тысяч рублей), наши спортсмены при попадании на пьедестал могут получать ежемесячный бонус до 120 тысяч рублей в течение года, до следующего контрольного старта высшего уровня.
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby simona » 28 Mar 2012, 10:37

Image Спасибо, Ирина!

:ya_hoo_oo: Wow! Plushy as a columnist!

Ирина wrote:
The famous skater each day will be for readers to comment
on "Komsomolskaya Pravda" event world championship



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