... 33&page=15Eislauffan (Tatjana Flade):
Plushenko looks different in this program, he was smiling a lot during the performance. Overall, a softer look. The Romeo and Juliet program went in that direction as well. He pointed out that the program is still raw and needs to be polished a lot. Hopefully he'll do that. Good for him to go for the quad Salchow again after so many years. Axel as strong as ever.
Walked through 2 jumps and a spin, but I like the layout. Obviously still very new, very bare and the edit needs getting used to, but he seems to be covering the ice better. Very strong jumps and I love the circular steps during "the Swan". He can be so lyrical and fluid when he doesn't over work it, which unfortunately he did right after during the straight line steps to "Danse Macabre".
Plush - A pleasure to see him skate to real classical music again. I loved the fluidity to some of his movements and I really liked his "choreographic sequence" or whatever it's called (I guess they had to make it a requirement to force him to have any choreo ). He even did a Sasha Cohen HMV type move, LOL! Really great light and shade and variation of tone in this program. I like it so much, I have a feeling he'll dump it by Euros. I don't know why he says this is his first 4sal, I thought he did one at a Russian Cup Event a few years ago. Anyway, it's been a while, so I'm impressed that at this age he's basically adding a new jump to his repertoire, while keeping his immaculate triple axel, which I swear looks better than when he was young. He looks to be in such great shape, I selfishly really wish he would do at least Cup of Russia.
Very un plushenko program. None of the arm flailing until the last music cut. I don't know how I feel about it. I was expecting a masterpiece to Romeo and Juliet and got this. It's not bad, just not what I think he's capable of.
... The purity of the music allowed his basics to come through, IMO. I would like to watch R&J for comparison, though.
Oh wow. I was expecting R&J and waiting to be trolled but this is just magnificent.
It's a little bare at the moment, but this could be a really great program for him. I just absolutely love the steps in The Swan. He's softened his arms a little which I think will help. Not sure about the Danse Macabre bit. But you know, he does it every year! Just when I thought he couldn't get any better, in that last part, he grabs his heel and does a Y. What the hell?! Where did that come from?!?!!?!?
Great 4S, and hope he's gonna bring the 4Lz at some point, he was training it this off-season.
Plushenko: It's gotten to the point where it doesn't matter what he's skating to or what he's wearing. I'm just riveted. Love him.
he's a legend and we're lucky to still have him around. I mean imagine if we still had the other SLC skaters like B&S, Yags, A&P... it's extraordinary.
With that said, I honestly do like his program, and I would be really impressed with him if he were some new skater on the scene.
Plushenko is a freaking legend. I really, really, really want to see him at Worlds. Program has potential.
Absolutely, just the longevity of his career in the top echelons of men's skating is inspiring. Obviously the original report about "7 triple axels" was a mistranslation/mistake, BUT if there's any skater that could possibly pull off that physical feat, it's Plush.
For what it's worth, I love that Plushy's footwork seem much better than before. I think it shows that he's really into working on footwork/step sequences.
I just love Plushy´s new LP. The swan footwork is wonderful. This is going to be a masterpiece when it is finished. And of course, he rocks, as always
I loved it. He's always been a very good technical skater, but I'm seeing more artistry in this program than what I've seen in the past. This program suits him. Great job!
the costume is interesting. i spent the whole time watching it and trying to figure what it is about. a white swan whose transformation in black went wrong on one side, or a black swan who just couldnt get totally white?
the program may be about the life and the death of a swan. thats why they play Danse macabre in the end, i guess.
I can't even believe that's Plushenko doing that first footwork sequence. This Saint-Saens medley works so well for him, I'm totally beyond impressed - I've always respected the hell out of him, but I'd never expect such a change in style of movement at the age of 30 from ANYONE