Снежный Король2-Москва || Snow King2-Moscow 26.12.-7.1.2016

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Re: Снежный Король2-Москва || Snow King2-Moscow 26.12.-7.1.2

Postby bigeyegugu » 24 Jan 2016, 15:30

I dont remember if posted these

photo album by Elena Vasileva

https://www.flickr.com/photos/evasileva ... 2996032806
Snow King - 2: some moments

https://www.flickr.com/photos/evasileva ... 3620153386

Snow King - 2.Evgeni Plushenko

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Re: Снежный Король2-Москва || Snow King2-Moscow 26.12.-7.1.2

Postby cekoni » 26 Jan 2016, 04:35


Missing 'The Snow King' family so much! Photo Elena Vassilieva


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Re: Снежный Король2-Москва || Snow King2-Moscow 26.12.-7.1.2

Postby cekoni » 26 Jan 2016, 14:20

It was not nice, at all, that interviewer not mentioned that SK is Plushy's show, but - what to do.... :plush34:

Johnny Weir - "When I’m on the ice now, I still dream about having people clap for me"

Tatiana Edrenkina met with Johnny Weir in Moscow at the end of December, after the second performance of Snow King 2, a magical figure skating show based on the original fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen. The first edition of the show was a huge success and even now, one year later, it’s difficult to find an empty seat in the stands of the huge Megasport Arena.

- I remember how excited you were about the first Snow King. What do you think about the second part?
- Because it’s only the second show I haven’t seen every number, but I’m really excited about the changes they’ve made for it to be different to the first Snow King. I love the new decorations, I love the new pieces, the music and Marie-Pierre Leray is fantastic. We tried to have her last year in the show, but she was unavailable. This year I’m so happy that she’s here.

- Last year we were told it would be an absolutely different show. Why do you think they decided not to change the plot of the story?
- Well, the base of the story is Snow Queen and we have to maintain the main story. So we can’t completely change the story and keep the name Snow King. My pieces with Irina (Slutskaya) are the same because it’s the central storyline. But everything that’s going on around us and the transition of the Snow King from being good and then being captured, it’s more about Snow King than it is about Kai and Gerda.

- You said not once that the team of Snow King is a family. What is family for you?
- Of course I have my mom and my dad and my family. But it’s very rare in figure skating to find people that you’re comfortable to share everything with - your life, your ups, your downs, your happiness, your failures. In figure skating, it’s very hard to trust anybody because it’s such a small world and if you say just one wrong word, everyone will hear about it. Already being a public person myself it’s hard to really trust anybody in my life and it’s one of my worst things that I have to live with, but I’m ok with it. But Zhenya (Evgeni Plushenko), even from when I was just starting to compete in senior, was always very nice to me. He’s one of the very few and we were always friends through the competitions and we would always shake hands and tour together of course. When he asked me last summer to be Kai, I was so touched because he could have asked Stephane (Lambiel), he could have asked Jeffrey Buttle, and he chose me to be his Kai. This is a very real friendship I have with Zhenya. And then when he started to put the team together… I mean, Slutskaya is my hero, Tomas and Brian and I have gotten along for years and we’ve competed and beaten each other and lost to one another, and when you go through this kind of thing, it can make you very close when you have to tour with them. This really from the producers, Yana (Radkovskaya), (Evgeni) Fingelstein to Zhenya, all the way through the show, even the people who set the stage. Everyone supports one another and everyone’s happy and everyone says “Good Morning”. There’s no drama in our team and that what makes it like a work family.

- Do you know if there will be a tour of Snow King 2?
- We’re still working on what’s going to happen afterwards because it’s such a big production. It’s difficult to always travel or to trust other countries to have the proper screen if we don’t bring our own. There’s a lot of moving parts, but I know that we also would support a big tour of this show because it’s great for the whole family. It’s great for us to explore different characters and do something different than we’re used to.

- We’re happy here because we can see you and Zhenya and Brian and this show, but people in countries like the UK for example don’t have such kind of shows.
- It’s so funny because in the UK the number one television show is about figure skating! They don’t have any top skaters themselves after Torvill and Dean really and you know we would love to travel to places that love figure skating, but don’t get to see it very often like the UK, like Germany, which I think would be a great place, and Scandinavia, of course. So there are definitely places that we would love to take the show to and the people wanted to bring us to. However, it’s a different league to have skating fans that want us to bring the show to them and having a Finnish or a British company that’s willing to have it. It’s two very different things.

- That is why I was happy to see that you were in Romania, in Cluj.
- It didn’t look like that I would be able to go there and then Edvin (Marton) called and said “Please, please, please come” so I got on the plane and went. There are a very few people I would do that for and Edvin is one and so is Zhenya.

- We were really disappointed not to see you in Saint Petersburg in November, but I guess you chose touring across the USA with Halloween on Ice?
- Well, it’s October. Sometimes because I live in America and I’m really the only American that tours internationally, logistics can get very difficult. How I’m going to fly, how I’m going to get from place to place. Plus in America I am very busy. So it can be difficult and I wouldn’t be here in time for the first show. I would miss the rehearsals in September, so it just didn’t seem right for me to rush the whole way across the world and miss something. So I chose to stay.


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Re: Снежный Король2-Москва || Snow King2-Moscow 26.12.-7.1.2

Postby cekoni » 26 Jan 2016, 15:36

ФОТО и ВИДЕО читателя Delfi: Как я видел Плющенко в шоу "Снежный Король":
http://journalist.delfi.ee/news/news/fo ... d=73504649

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Re: Снежный Король2-Москва || Snow King2-Moscow 26.12.-7.1.2

Postby cekoni » 29 Jan 2016, 01:04

Irina's video :plush45: ... Plushy showing movements to Joubert, who just arrived in Moscow 26.12.

Евгений Плющенко показывает движения Бриану Жуберу. Репетиция .Снежный Король.26.12.15 Москва:

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Re: Снежный Король2-Москва || Snow King2-Moscow 26.12.-7.1.2

Postby Вера » 30 Jan 2016, 18:49

Интервью для израильского ТВ



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Re: Снежный Король2-Москва || Snow King2-Moscow 26.12.-7.1.2

Postby cekoni » 30 Jan 2016, 20:37

One more cute video - Plushy with another kid after Final 05.01.2016 :plush31:

Евгений Плющенко кружит счастливого малыша!) Cнежный Король 5.01.2016:



One of my goals in every 'Snow King' performance is to make Zhenya smile. @plushenkoofficial @rudkovskayaofficial Photo Elena Vassilieva #снежныйкороль https://www.instagram.com/p/BBJPPwABhbl/


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Re: Снежный Король2-Москва || Snow King2-Moscow 26.12.-7.1.2

Postby cekoni » 03 Feb 2016, 01:08

Sveta uploaded her pics from show 04.01.2016 :plush39:

4 января:
https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/iiisvetai ... um/536858/

.... just few here...


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Re: Снежный Король2-Москва || Snow King2-Moscow 26.12.-7.1.2

Postby cekoni » 04 Feb 2016, 13:08

Some kind of "post-promo" with scenes from SK2... :mi_ga_et:

"Snow King 2" by Evgeni Plushenko (St.Petersburg, Moscow 2015/2016):
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Re: Снежный Король2-Москва || Snow King2-Moscow 26.12.-7.1.2

Postby cekoni » 16 Feb 2016, 17:20

2 cute videos... :plush31:

Plu and Sasha in backstage...
Папин сын #евгенийплющенко #александрплющенко #снежныйкороль2 #москва #мегаспорт #папаисын

Plu, Sasha and Yana after finale 02.01.2016...
Евгений Плющенко,Яна Рудковская и маленький Сашенька.Снежный Король-2 Москва 2/01/16:

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